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25200056/EDTA (0.25%)胰酶 (Gibco) 現貨

  • 發布日期:2017-12-29      瀏覽次數:2393
    • 25200056Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red (Gibco™) 


      25200056/EDTA (0.25%)胰酶 (Gibco) 現貨



      25200056Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red (Gibco™) 
      12585014Insulin, human recombinant, zinc solution
      12100046DMEM, powder, high glucose
      16010159Newborn Calf Serum, New Zealand origin



      Gibco® Trypsin-EDTA is made from trypsin powder, an irradiated mixture of proteases derived from porcine pancreas. Due to its digestive strength, trypsin is widely used for cell dissociation, routine cell culture passaging, and primary tissue dissociation. The trypsin concentration required for dissociation varies with cell type and experimental requirements. See the complete range of Gibco® trypsin solutions and recommended dissociation conditions.

      We offer a variety of trypsin formulations and animal origin-free TrypLE™ reagent that feature:

      Quality testing
      Documented traceability
      Dual-site cGMP Manufacturing

      This trypsin solution is modified as follows:

      • EDTA
      • Phenol Red

      The complete formulation is available.

      Quality testing
      Gibco® Trypsin solutions are tested for pH, osmolality, sterility, and performance. In addition, prior to manufacturing, the raw materials are verified for e-beam irradiation and tested for endotoxin, PPV, PCV 1/2, mycoplasma, bacterial, fungal, and viral contamination, as well as multiple activity assays, ash analysis, and moisture analysis.

      Documented traceability
      We can provide detailed documentation to meet your regulatory needs. Gibco® Trypsin information available includes lot traceability, animal origin certificates, lot analyses, irradiation certificates, a viral inactivation summary, and supply chain transparency.

      cGMP manufacturing and quality system
      Gibco® Trypsin is manufactured at a cGMP compliant facility, located in Grand Island, New York. The facility is registered with the FDA as a medical device manufacturer and is certified to ISO 13485 standards.

      For Research Use or Further Manufacturing. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

      螞蟻淘(ebiomall)是一家生命科學領域的垂直電商平臺,公司專注生物醫學科研用品的  導購和品牌推廣,為海外廠方與國內代理經銷商搭建跨境貿易系統和交流平臺。
          產品齊全,200+分類,1000+品牌,500萬+產品信息。100%,專業售后,到貨快,在線下單, 簡單輕松,節省科學家寶貴的科研時間。
      Thermofisher旗下Gibco培養系列、ABI細胞計數儀及PCR儀、Invitrogen分子生物學試劑及Qubit3.0、Ambion的RNA相關試劑、Molecular probes試劑、Pierce蛋白相關試劑盒、Nanodrop One/OneC;Parafilm封口膜;Viskase透析袋;Sigma-Aldrich試劑;AccuStandard 標準品;Millipore抗體;Glen Research 核酸合成試劑;Bio-Rad電泳儀及PCR儀;Nanocs的PEG聚合物;  Chromotek羊駝抗體;   Polysciences轉染試劑;  Echelon-inc 脂類研究試劑盒;   R&D Systems抗體及Elisa試劑盒; Jackson二抗及封閉血清; Biotium 熒光染料;NEB內切酶及NGS相關產品;  Athens Research & Technology人類蛋白及抗血清;  Illumina二代測試試劑盒; Tocris 小分子試劑; TwistDx恒溫擴增試劑盒(RPA); Enzymatics二代測序酶;Novus抗體及Elisa試劑盒;AG scientific潮霉素B、G-418;Plantmedia植物培養系列及抗體;Agilent 2100生物分析儀;Biolog耗材;Biomatik的Elisa試劑盒;Covaris基因打斷儀;CST抗體;Dharmacon的siRNA產品。

      25200056/EDTA (0.25%)胰酶 (Gibco) 現貨


    總訪問量:254117  管理登陸  技術支持:化工儀器網  sitemap.xml

    版權所有 © 2025 蘇州螞蟻淘生物科技有限公司  ICP備案號:蘇ICP備17049038號-2
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